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Monday, July 31, 2006

I got a summer compliment

I found out today I made Jon's list

which was sweet :)coming from him it is a compliment...

Also today is mine and fire's 8th wedding ani


Twisted Cinderella said...

How cool that he did that! You deserve it!

November Rain said...

thanks TC

concerned citizen said...

I wasn't sure which blog name to post a comment on. So I picked this one ;)

my, you are a busy lady!

My problem is I already spend too much time on the computer to get involved any more then i already am.

It seems you guys put alot of time and effort into the whole thing. I could never keep up, really.

It is fun to hang around the edges & drop in once in a while. ;]

I find the whole very concept interesting.

concerned citizen said...

ALSO, you people are ruthless I don't want to be killed off.
virtual or not.

November Rain said...

yeah a bit Tart... I so understand... we can be brutal but still you could join the forum we have games thiere you may like