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Friday, September 21, 2007

Dusty bunnies grizzly bears

I am writing the current post while playing at Michelle's and cleaning up for my night (see novy dates)

I am having a bad day... Started 9 am... I went to store to buy food and dropped the 1.5 litter coke and exploded (total loss)

Little things keep popping up... Also DVD night starts at 6 pm not 8 *sigh*

Well these are random things that usually pop in my head while I am cleaning...:

While Vacuuming --- I live by a tram and though it is convenient it kicks up dust so if I don't vacuum daily I don't get dust bunnies but dust grizzlies

if your want those pennies don't let them hit the floor or they are vacuum fodder

While Mopping - Never fill the center piece with the floating candles with water until after you finished moving the furniture around

where did the dust streaks come form I just vacuum.. I so need a new mop I hope this floor dries in time

realizing I forgot something and have to run to the store -
should go to the store as I am?

reach up at door to grab keys but they are not on the key stand.. I turn to look across the wet floor to table and there they are

well that is what floor towels are for

after getting home- counting table setting cards I bought 4 paid for four but there is 3

cooking - cornbread.... seperate eggs white here yellow here mix.......... phone?
its the hubby I love you too but I have flour and... oh you are coming home early to help me

~yeah~ --- ?---


jac said...

I am laughing novy !!!

-E said...

Thanks for stopping by and wishing me luck, I appreciate it.

And I hate dust grizzlies. In fact, a friend of mine made a cheesy scary movie about dust bunnies that is on youtube if you want to see it heh.

November Rain said...

thanks both of you :)