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Friday, November 30, 2007

3D is back with too much Junk...

Went to see Beowulf, which is in 3-d... My experience with 3-d was (first time) once with my Dad... 7-11's gave away 3-d glasses for the upcoming TV event the Creature of the Black Lagune... He let us stay up pooped loads of pop corn... It was something he was looking forward to sharing with us but... It sucked and he was disappointed because the 3-d didn't work... (not on our TV)

So when Fire and I went to Universal Studio and saw T-2 in 3-D I was impressed and said I wish Dad could have seen it...

There we were given big black glasses that wrapped around kind of,,, the 3-d was great...

So yester day when they handed out plastice green sun glasses.... I was like I so hope these work...

It did actually (I wear glasses and they went over them fine..) It was cool... They showed previews of movies coming in 3-D

First was U2 3-D U2 was playing in normal mode then the fireworks went on stage and cue the 3-D it was awesome effect... Dad would have loved it...

As for the movie... It was great however I still prefer real actors ;)

So too day I am cleaning and trying to get set up for packing and... We have too much JUNK

I mean its everywhere and I am beside myself not knowing where to start and look at the timer...
I don't have much time.. Okay okay I know they pack it but I really need to separate the stuff we are taking with the junk we are not...

Okay I am back at it again....

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