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Thursday, November 01, 2007

After Halloween report

So here is pictures of my Samhain Party...

Lifecruiser Cyber Cruise Halloween Pumpkin Banner

Over at Life Cruise It was ask, "How do you clelebrate.."

I answered with,
"OKay For me it is Samhain,

every year I add things, so I didnt have most of this in 2005 or 2006 but this is what I have for 2007

I decorate my house starting Oct 1st
I take out my door hanger with Hazel witch and Edgar (my tarantula) on it to watch our door and I have smaller T’s that watch each window for mischievous spooks
(or children)

I have a large cauldron that sits with my broom at the door (for candy to any who come to my house)

Webs all over the house with spiders, orange and black streamers…
several candles holders from a ghost to pumpkins
Large glass pumpkins in my window and real carved ones outside my door
laughing bats
I have an orange table cloth with place mats with a fall squash on it and sprinkle bats, cats, spiders, happy Halloween sequence on the table

A happy Halloween sign

Flowers : Dried red leaves, Wheat sprays and Chinese-lantern flowers (because they look like mini hanging pumpkins) and a ghost witch and pumpkin straw bouquet

I have a feast for the dead… I have my wiccan ritual before at sunset and then when guess come we have dinner, I set a plate empty with a candle in it to represent those who are not with us
I also provide candles for my guess

We eat, and then toast those who we wish to remember
we watch Halloweens movies and listen to Halloween songs

I wear my cloak and bring out my broom"

I also Promised pictures so.. As promised... As you come to my door you are greeted with Two carved pumpkins... One on the ledge and one at my door...

These are the pumpkins I carved this year...

They will be lit later to invite my guess both of the living and of the dead

On my door you will see decorations including Hazel and Edgar Who watches my door for Mischievous kids or spirits...

I made the Samhain Wreath myself...

Hazel and Edgar act as the door men... For this door...

But I also place watchmen In the windows...
In the Party room are two large clay Jack o lanterns

and in the other windows are spiders

The Twin Jacks will be lit when the party starts and can be seen from the street, looking up to my window.

With the door and windows protected I now Prepare the hall way...

As guess inter into my home they are greeted by my little friends...

At the door is my cauldron, Elouise my old broom and a few spiders...

The cauldron holds gifts and treats for my guess, (I wanted it to have candy for trick or treaters but we don't get them..)

Then as they walk down the hall they get checked by Hagard.... He is a large spiders that drops down if he hears a noise...

You can not miss the door entering the party room

Both sides are decorated with web and spiders

by the way the bats you see laugh when the door is opened

With Streamers and decoration everyone how can you not want to party...

In the background Halloween music is playing

On the large Aquarium is several types of candle holders, Halloween pez dispenser and halloween toy figures

2 spider Jack o, a square Jack o, a round Jack o and a glass holder that when lit with display dancing witches...

I choose Halloween flowers...

Around them are candle holders and other nicknacks or toy figures...

The Flowers are dried leaves, lantern flowers which look like pumpkins to me and the witch ghost and pumpkin are straws...

On the left side is a Witch on a toilet plant holder... my spider candle holder with pumpkin candles and a pumpkin witch nicknack,
as well as toys that come from Kinder eggs.. Every year they do different Halloween toys and I keep them and use them as display

The ghost is a candle holder and beside it is a pumpkin witch nicknack, more Halloween toys

As you can see the room is filled with webs and spiders

The decorative table wreath is dedicated to the God/Goddess and has an orange candle with a spider inside it

There are Large and small spiders in the webs and bowls of candy for those brave enough to reach past the spiders

There is also surprises in the yellow plastic balls

For Samhain we watch movies this year we are doing a Tim Burton Halloween... Sleepy Hallow, Nightmare before X-mas and Corpse Bride...

Samhain for us is a time to honor the dead, those who have past on...

Every year we do a Salute and Honor the dead and our loves by a toast of wine and I set a symbolic plate (empty of food) with a candle in it to represent those who are not with us
I also provide candles for my guess
, if they wish to lit one. We take turns speaking the names of those we wish to honor and then we toast them. This year I added the name of a friend that always came to my parties and recently died

We also have food... This is the table before I have set the food out

As you can see it is decorated too...

The large Pumpkin holds a candle inside, fancy German beer bottles make perfect candle holders as well...

I also Have other Halloween candles on the table
and more of those Kinder egg toys...

my candy trick or treaters also have candy inside

There is sequence bats, cats, happy Halloween, and spiders on the table

Before we bring out the food a few other things.... On the doors are signs like this one that translates into Witch's kitchen

I have one on ever door, there is three types....

Gruesome chamber with Frankenstein and biting Vampires with a Vampire girl

Also for those who have to go to the bathroom, toilet, loo.... Be warned....

I have a friend who screamed the first time I did this She hares spiders

I know I am evil

So let's bring out the food.....

We are Having.. Chips, Dips, chicken/turkey/cheese Hors d'œuvre
Corn Bread

Roast Beef
Corn on the cob
sweet potatoes
broccoli with cheese

For dessert we have Mousse
and special

Gebratene apples with crème broulée

everything looks good... I think its time to light the candles


Anonymous said...

Wow! You went all out!

Dotm said...

You did a wonderful way of decorating. It must have taken quite a while to set it all up.
This year there weren`t as many kids as other years-- only about 30 kids, but it was fun seeing them in their cute little costumes.

Bobkat said...

Wow! That all looks so cool! It looks like you had a great time.

I hope you had a great Samhain!

Michele sent me over to say hi as it's been too long since my last visit.