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Monday, September 24, 2007

Until Death do you part....


When my wedding Vows said Until Death do you part.... and I said I do I meant it.... up until I divorced the bastard.. So why is now that I have found my true love instead of what I had before (fool's gold) that I am still having to deal with him... you know the EX

Why? Because unlike my son my daughter is not yet 18... She turns 17 in Nov and in the Summer 2008 will come to see me for the first time in Germany

Sounds great right? I mean I won my court case, she gets to come and all should be so happily ever after....

Try again... My words to my EX last night:

"I can't stop her anymore from coming. The courts has said she can go." He yells

I cry, "So you sabotage and put up as many obstacles as you can..."

Yes you guessed it my Sunday was ruined by my ex... I have had a bad 24 hrs...
Its about her passport...
All the expenses I am suppose to pay for but I cant get her passport he has to

As soon as he sends me a receipt I will western Union him the money

Why wont I do it before because he has a gambling problem and gambles on Pool tables
He sent this email to me, he wrote it this way to use in court:
The lies are in red and I changed my son and daughter's name:

I am still waiting on the $113.05 for Psycho monkey's passport. I have gotten her Fla. Id back from her friend's house so all she needs is the money which you are responsible for, and as soon as I get it I will get her passport. I will not pay again as I did for Polar's passport and never received any money back. I spoke with you when I gave it to him so you know I gave it to him. For whatever reason he chose to spend the money on something else. I did not find out until I ask him for the receipt. That was not my fault, I gave him the money for the passport and did not get my money back from him or you. When you said to talk to your mother about getting the money for Psycho Monkey's passport she
said she could not take off work to go down to the passport office besides the fact that when Ronnie spent the money I gave him for the passport and did not get it then she took him down there herself and paid for the passport for him and sent you the receipt for it but never got her money back either......and she had the receipts. So you should understand why I wont pay in advance for the passport for Psycho-monkey You have a history of not paying people back besides the fact the it's not your mothers place to pay for it, it's yours. Thats what you agreed on. You send me the money and I will make sure she gets it as soon as possible

Okay lie #1 : He was suppose to have gotten her Passport when I won the court case (more than 1 year ago)

Lie #2: He did not pay for my son's passport.. Polar was buying a car from him, he gave him his car payment back and said I will just attach this payment to the end of your car payment. In other words he told Polar dont pay me this week get your passport just pay for your car a week longer or when your mom gives you the money I will deduct that payment. Polar had some tickets to pay and spent it but said they were cheating him with those payments anyway.
In fact the GF broke into my son's room and stole his receipts she gave him.
This is why I said no receipt then I wont pay it back.. Because the ex wanted me to pay him and for my son to pay him... It doesn't work that way. He took the car back so neither me nor my son owed him... If the EX would have went up there and paid the passport when he was suppose this wouldnt of happened but he didnt he waited until polar was 18. Then said but he is 18 not my responsibility anymore.

Lie #3: it was my mom who paid for Polar's passport.. I was to pay her back when she sent me the receipt but she didn't instead she sent me an email not to bother that it was her gift to me

My mother said she never told him this that she said if I sent Novy the receipt she would have paid me but I didn't because I told her not to worry about it, she said that she couldnt take off work not that she wouldnt

I have always paid my debts so his my history of this would be only with my mom and it isn't any of his business what me and my mom does

When I tried to get him on the phone 3 way with my mother there on the phone he wouldnt get on the phone

He called me later screaming at me until I was so upset and crying I literally was wrenching my guts

So I sent him the money and I am praying he doesn't gamble it or does anything else...

I want this man out of my life so bad I am sick of him and his crap....

He and his GF (yeah the one whose son molested my daughter and went to jail) made Psycho go stay somehwhere else kicked her out of her own house so the son could stay for a while

my daughter is 16 going on 17 and has been in the emergency room for anxiety attacks in the last 6 months 3 times
He wont take her to the Dr re check now because he says it is in her head
The fact is they want her to see a counselor and I keep getting her into one and he keeps pulling her out (because The EX has issues and he knows they might say something about how she is being treated)

she is under killer stress

I mean she is living a Cinderella story only her dad is a jerk and I am miles away

HRS wont do a damn thing
Just like when he was abusing me NO one would help me I had to flee for my life and what did I get......

He has my kids!
I have it on recorder tape he saying he only took them to punish me
that he was going to kill me
and its inadmissible in court

also by the way my son told him he had to get the GF out because she is mean to Psycho monkey and my EX kicked Polar out saying his GF was more important than Him and my daughter

He doesnt want Polar because he isnt getting Money from me for Polar anymore
He only gets Child support for Psycho monkey

I don't want the kids drugged in this they love the bastard but of course he is their father (well my daughter does my son hates him)
but he is also a bastard to them and you should hear how they talk about him

I try to say NO you shouldnt talk about your dad like that but what they say is true
My son hates him to death

I just wish the Ex would disappear without a trace from my life

okay going to go for now.. I keep reciting this hoping to keep my mind from thinking or me saying anything that wouldnt be good:

Wiccan's do not do harm Wiccan's do not do harm not in thought not in action
Wiccan's do not do harm Wiccan's do not do harm not in thought not in action
Wiccan's do not do harm Wiccan's do not do harm not in thought not in action
Wiccan's do not do harm Wiccan's do not do harm not in thought not in action

okay I went to read this blog of one of my commenter's and it made me smile... Why not everyone go say hi and that I sent you over...


jac said...

You want to leave him to me ?
I can roast him and eat. I am a cannibal. LOL

You take care of them novy.

November Rain said...

dont tempt me LOL

flleenie said...

I vent. Venting is a good thing. Sounds like the 'Ex' is a P.I.T.A.!

You are Wiccan, I am spiritual, we're not the same but we both are good-hearted & know that karma's a bitch. What comes around goes around. Eventually, it will hit your 'Ex' in the ass good & hard!!

November Rain said...

thanks fleenie