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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Meet my little friend curse

Happy Meter from yesterday and this morning

Well I do not have to wait for the results my little curse came this morning... 8 days late, it did it on purpose...

I think my body does this to try to get me down and this time I was trying not to get to excited....

but yesterday I did and then it was satisfied... Sadly this time it effected Fire... Mostly because he thought it was positive too and was enjoying my happiness and it effected me and he can see that

I have taken a plunge on the happy meter

I have so much to do to get ready for my Party... Then So much to do to get ready for the move...

I am trying to think of those things...

I just don't feel like it right now...

In fact I have gone beyond this smilie to this one

Every time I face the facts that at my age it just isn't going to happen my body decides that it should play this game...

My to do list today... Wait for my new Microwave, go shopping, clean house

Tomorrow is Samhain and I won't be on (I think) so Happy Samhain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*Hugs* I can't claim to understand your pain, Novy. But I'm willing to be a shoulder to cry on.