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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Brushing is not enough!

I am going to take a break from talking about the move...
Some of you may or may not know that at the ripe (young) age of 23

I lost all my teeth due to Calcium deficiency.

(It was because of the neglect from my ex husband). Brushing 3 times a day was all in good but because my bones, teeth and nails (plus more) were getting brittle, my teeth ended up being loss.

I also had impacted wisdoms that caused an infection under the gums for 2-3 years.

You add this all together and it equals lost of teeth. In fact when I went in I was close to loosing my life...

So I am going to talk to you about taking care of your teeth!

Because dentures are not fun...
They sometimes pull on your gums causing this unpleasant burning sensation
sometimes you get cold sores or blisters under them
Pepper hurts, sesame seeds kill
You have nightmares about chewing a mouthful of gum you can't get out of your mouth if you don't take them out at night before you go to sleep... (Subconscious way of saying you are gagging)

It will change your appearance slightly

this is just some problems

I am always on Fire about drinking milk or getting some-kind of Calcium...
I learned the hard way... Milk does do the body good!!!!

I hear so many kids say Milk yuck... but listen...

We are what we eat... You eat Junk your body will be junk

You eat nothing your body will fade into nothing...

Brush, Floss, mouthwash.... Healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and calcium...

(also if you are in a situation of abuse and neglect, your spouse don't care about your health and is refusing to let you see a Dr or gambles your money away so you skip meals to feed your kids.... GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!)


Unknown said...

I'm becoming more lactose intolerant the closer to 30 I get so it's becoming harder for me to get calcium. That totally sucks.

November Rain said...

Mom is Lactose intolerant... It is common in the US

Has to do with the hormones in the cows...


My Fairy Godmother found my blog
does happy dance

Anonymous said...

I am not a milk drinker, but I eat a ton of cheese and yogurt. I was warned about calcium deficiency after a bout with realy nasty kidney stones. I found out after having three kids consecutively and breastfeeding them that calcium is very important to take in, even up to 18 months after you wean your child. Your body will pull calcium from your bones in order to lactate or nourish a fetus. The extra does not get put back. it cycles out of your body forming nice little stones along the way. Along with loss of teeth there is also the concern of osteoperosis, or however it's spelled. The short and long of it... us moms need to take care of ourselves too.

Anonymous said...

Milk is a poor go-to source for calcium...there are coral calcium supplements and there are vegetables like Kale - which has far more absorbable Calc in it!
Stay away from carbonated drinks, too - they leach calcium FROM your system. Just do some quality internet research on your own, you'll be amazed at what you'll find.