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Monday, October 29, 2007

The Longest 36hrs...

This has been some weekend... So My period is late, big deal it is always a few days late. Never more than 5 days... However I am day 8 and still no period... So if you are a frequent reader you know that Fire and I have tried for 9 years... We got pregnant once and lost the baby (that was about 6 years ago).

So every time I am late I get hopes up just a little but this time I needed to know before I started already planning the nursery type excited... So Sat I bought a preggie test... Sunday morn I got up and took it.. It showed negative but the control box showed that the test didn't take, so I had my thyroid apt today with my Dr. I bought another test and it did right and neg. So I went to him and said.... My period isnt starting.

He told me if I was pregnant I wouldn't be far enough along to show positive on those home test so he took blood...

I and Fire will know in 36 hrs....

I am biting my nails... In other news... My microwave-grill-etc oven that cooks my rotisserie roasts went poof... So it has to go to the shop (it is under warranty) but I have a Samhain Party on Weds and it is my only way of cooking... So we bought a new one as well...

I am not sure what I will do with two but hey I had to do something...
It arrives tomorrow when I was going to do my shopping...

So Wed I will be running around before my party...

On Friday they come get the fridge... Hey when it rains for me it pours dogs and cats...

I will be without a fridge for 15 days

I have no idea what I am going to do... I cant buy another 2500 one and no room for 2 fridges either.

My ex had called me yesterday, seems my daughter wants to live elsewhere and so he has accused me of filling her head with stuff but it is just she is 17 soon and she sees and he wont listen...

The ex's GF put her hands on my daughter and put my daughter on restriction for her bday...
When Psycho monkey said something the GF said well (bleep) which is her son the one that molested Psycho and went to jail was in jail for his bday because of you

I don't know what to do... I have called HRS the CHILD welfare people but they see the fact that I have been fighting for custody that I am a disgruntle parent and they don't really investigate...

Sadly I know there is parents that do that and so I and my daughters become victims...

anyway todays happy meter is... half way because I am biting nails and so run around to get my party ready...


Anonymous said...

I hope things settle out for you. That's a tough situation with your ex. One point of positive thinking, at least she's 17 and will be able to get out on her own soon, God willing! As to the pregnancy, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. *hugs* Thanks for stopping by my place also.

November Rain said...

thanks I do keep reminding myself that she only has 1 year