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Thursday, October 25, 2007

What would have you done?

Okay here is the scenario.... You are on a busy Tram (think bus for those who don't know what a tram is.) You have 2 very large bags (one with a turkey) and you are 37 years old... The woman sitting in front of you is in her forties and the woman next to her is somewhat older, both have big bags too. The girl sitting next to you is 15-17 carrying a book bag and notebook... The Tram is packed full like sardines... An (0 year old man walks on (there are no seats).

The teen starts fiddling with her cell phone odiously trying to ignore the man...

What would you do? (see poll on side) but also please comment as to you reaction (that way I can prove to Fire that yes people do read they don't just show up from Michelle's and not read)

Back to the scenario... I was raised that you should give up your seat to ANY older adult. Whether they are 10 years older or double your age or even older than that... It is just polite and respectful... I learned it isnt exactly seen that way here in Munich. 9 years ago when I first came here and offered my seat to someone 15 years older she took it as an insult. Fire told me then that here they only give up seats to, elderly, handicap, pregnant women or someone with a small child. Of course there are exceptions as women like for men to give up their seats for them.

Still this wasn't the case this man was 80 and had a cane...

So what would you have done? Told her to get her ass up for him?
Grumbled out loud how disrespectable teens are and hope she got the hint?
or would you have been quite and come home and complain about it on blog?

I really want to know.... Anyhow here in Novy's World... Yesterday I was sad because my Tarantula died.. We knew it was coming she held on 2 months longer and we had hoped she might beat the bad molt but in the end she died.

If you have checked Novy's Dates you know tomorrow is a holiday for me...
So I went shopping today... Which is why I am thrilled...

This morning I found my broom... My witches broom... I have looked for 7 years... It is an old fashion willow branch broom.. I wanted it for my rituals but I couldn't find one that was being sold...

So many people had them just didn't want to give them up...

I went to get my 2 pumpkins for carving.. Do some shopping for our feast tomorrow and stopped in my little flower shop for my Samhain flowers (Usually Red Maple leaves wheat grass and lantern flowers (they look like Chinese lanterns or pumpkins)

She didn't have any... But she had an already center piece for a candle that was perfect for me to set out in honor of the Goddess..
So she was wrapping it up and I was paying and my eyes saw in the corner 3 of them... She makes them and sells them... All this time .... So I bought me my witches broom for 5 €

Add 3 smileys on my happy meter

So I went home unloaded and headed into the center... I went to the candle shop in search of dripping candles and floor candle stands... I got to the store and didn't find either but they pointed me to a shop... I went their and no... not stands and all the candles are dripless...

So I went into the center to check my fav store Asian Garten... I didn't see any but when the man asked I told him what I wanted...

4 candle stands that are waist high, preferably made from wood, bamboo or such.. that holds a single pillar candle...

He began drawing and said he could make it... For the 200€, sadly the won't be ready until March so he will have to ship them but still.. This is great news...

Add only 1 smiley because I still have to get Fire to say okay

So I stopped in and got a hole puncher for a binder that changes from US to Euro and from Euro to US (15 €) while on my way to get bathroom supplies from a small store that is like Eckerds...(UH-OH I hope Fire don't get mad.) They had Halloween things on display... So I got streamers and 5 candy things (Jack o lantern man, witch, vampire, skeleton, and a ghost) in other words all of them...

Add a half smiley (cause I am worried about Fire yelling)

Went to Flower shop still looking for my pumpkin flowers... They didn't have them


what was I going to do, I needed Fall flowers... All the flowers that were on display were roses and colorful daisies...

Minus one smiley...

I keep looking... I went to another shop, another... She had 3 latern flowers left... It isn't enough but I took the three and asked if she had any wheat, or some dried leaves.. She had branches of red leaves (looks like Maple but they aren't) some cut flower that had a tuff on the end of it and was brown... She and I put it together and it looked great for a Fall Samhain bouquet...

Add a half smiley...

Now it was time to find my Turkey (I couldn't find earlier..)

Sweet Potatoes (big ones!) Check √
Broccoli check √
Hey the cheese sauce for them .. right here check √ (I feel another smiley)
sweet butter..... hmmm no sweet butter....

I need it for baking but I will get it tomorrow I guess

So I was happy and took my overflowing bags and stepped on the tram with everyone smiling at me

add a smiley...

That is when this happened about the girl... I didn't let it spoil me, even though I am about to drop, my feet hurt, my ankle is swollen Today I am....
and Thrilled....

Even though NONE of my house work got done... LOL Now to make Fire a nice warm meal so he don't yell at me... because I have been a bad Novy

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