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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let's get moving

Okay so Fire and I had a disagreement yesterday... It seems we do not see eye to eye about the moving...

I have always packed my boxes, used a black marker to identify what goes where and then unpack my boxes.

I am quite efficient really....

Well, Fire's job pays for a moving company to move us... Fire wants to sit back and let them pack move and unpack....

Okay, I wanted to make sure everything was clean and free of dust before it goes... So I normally wash dry pack, wash dry pack...

Was dry and put back on wall or shelf doesn't work... because it will be dusty before the move...

But the movers have special techniques to ensure a safe move of all items...

I called them today and this is how it went...

You state on your website that you move pets, does this include fish and aquariums

they answer hmmm usually it means cats and dogs but yes Fish is possible I have to check to see if transportation is available.

I have some things I would like to pack myself, do you provide packing material?

Yes we do and you can supervise our team when they are packing your things as well as unpacking

(what? I get to sit back have a glass of ice tea and be the boss... coooooooool)

They also clean the apartment after they move your things as well as take the unwanted furniture and junk away to the trash

So what the heck... I made an appointment ... One of their surveyors will come and help survey what is to be moved and all and then bring me some boxes....

and now it begins......


Anonymous said...

Now if moving could be like that, I would do it all the time. I hate moving. Despise it. But having someone else do it while you supervise them sounds like it could be quite enjoyable. Let me know how it turns out!

November Rain said...

I will Square :)

Melody said...

Thanks for visiting my site today! I loved the story about your Nana. She is quite right and it brought a tear to my eye. Nana's are worth appreciating aren't they? Monet should be so lucky.

In regards to moving, we're pretty much experts around here too and we sound alike in the moving stakes. The company my partner works for have preofessional removalists that do the packing and moving for you so I never look a gift horse in the mouth. At least if they pack and move I can clean. Better than doing all three...

November Rain said...

yes valid point