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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Things just get better

The Breeder listed in previous post never returned my email. However one here in Germany did.
She will have puppies in 10 days, The female and the male have won in dog shows. So our Newfie will be 1000 € and we get him 10 weeks after he is born.

I like Ursus for a name :):):):) but Fire doesn't any ideas?

It isn't a done deal yet, I have to figure out something about the Tags. I just don't know what the electronic Dog tags are called here, also I don't know what the Euro animal health booklet that I have to have is called.

Okay I wanted to say to everyone thanks for your support....

To Catherine 's question: But 101% taxes? How does that work? How can you pay more money than you have in tax?

if it is 100% it means you pay 1 months salary for 1 year tax... 92% is only 92% of 1 months salary for 1 year tax

122% is 122% of 1 month salary you pay for your year tax

To craziequeen's

Question: Do Newfies eat tarantulas?

LMBO that made me laugh.... Shelob won't even eat baby mice... Only locust and she is black too

I got here Oct 2003

This is her 2005

She is as big as my hand now (I don't hold her anymore LOL)

If you missed the News about my apartment and move see post below

edit: Sunday: Called and reserved a puppy. They will be born in 1 week and if She has a male then I will get my Newfie


awareness said...

Hey Novy!

Well, yes of course I'll shake my HI-NI! Why not? It's Saturday night......the night for HI-NI shaking.

You're waiting to bring home a Newfie?? How wonderful. They are such beautiful beasties. We have two who live up the street from here.....a Momma and her pup. The pup is now the size of a barn though. My Lab just watches them in awe as they walk by every evening.

Michele sent me......loved your Carmi pic too. :)

i'm off to shake it...... :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Novy! Michele sent me over. Newfies are so beautiful. We have a border collie.

rashbre said...

It all sounds quite exciting with the new pup and a move to Switzerland too. Zurich and the area around is greta and the access to all of those pretty places in the Alps will be ausgezeichnet (as they say in Germany and Zurich).

Here to from Michele's - Gruesse!


Jean-Luc Picard said...

5 tatantulas? I wonder what their names are?

Michele sent me here.

November Rain said...

thanks everyone

November Rain said...

I had 6 but now only have 1

Aphrodite and Calypso

Aphrodite ended up being a male and dinner for Calypso

Calypso had a groth formed after a molt and hung in there but eventually died. It was either a bad molt or a tumor

Charlotte ended up a male and was renamed Charlot.. he died of old age

Ballerina also ended up male and was renamed Danseur he also died of old age

(Males don't live as long as females)

Christina died from a bad molt

and I still have Shelob had her since 2003

Sara said...

Hello, Michele sent me to say that I always shake my Hi-Ni. Our dog, Zac, always shakes his Hi-Ni when he is happy to see you - so, I always dance around and shake mine!

Oh, how interesting that you will be moving to Zurich. I browsed the apartments you saw.

This is the first time, I've been to this blog of yours...usually, I get to go to your writing one. I like this one...

I love Newfies!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that there is a boy Newfie in your future!

November Rain said...

welcome Sara