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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Off House Hunting

10 pm is considered late here... Since most people start calling it a night

Also you DO NOT call someone that isnt a friend or family on Sundays

The phone rings I think it is my kids (the time is different so 10pm for me is 4 pm for them)

the answer machine gets it and they hung up. So then my cell rings

Now my kids don't have my cell number (would be too expensive to call so I never gave it to them)

the number is not a number I recognized before I can answer it they hangup so I call it back

Someone (drunk from the sound of his voice) answers... he is male arab from the sound conversation goes like such

Novy: Hello, Someone called my hime then cell from this number...

Man: yes yes. I got number on webpage for massage

(Okay my Massage therapy webpage does have my cell and home number so I can set up appointments for clients. I am thinking this guy doesnt realize I am in germany and must be in the US)

Novy: Excuse me where are you calling me from?

Man: Munich Germany, you do Thia Massage? you do not sound Thai...

Novy: I am a massage therapist yes but Sir are you aware it is 10 pm?

Man: sorry I got this number on webpage

Novy: Look it to late for you to be calling good bye

Now Fire only heard part of the conversation and says is that how you treat potential customers...

After I told him he rolled around laughing saying the guy prob thought I did "Thia Massage" as in the red light special not Thia Massage physical therapy

even if he didn't what do you think? do you think I was rude ?

From Monday to Wed Fire and I will be house hunting in Zurich this is the house we are hoping to get

1 comment:

Jerry in Tampa said...

WOW - I felt like I went along on the trip! Thanks for the journey - you have some exciting times ahead!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Michele sent me and I will be back!

Jerry in Tampa