Okay I have been tagged with a ME-Me by Jon IG... I will get to it at the end but first a little Novy News Update:
Dog: We have found our puppy and have named him... We have pictures... we will go see him (confirmed) Dec 17th on Monday coming... I will take pictures then also. I have bought him 2 toys already...
Visa: Went yesterday... they stamped it on my Passport... It was fast and easy...Okay that is it I think... oh yeah I have a Me Me... So here it goes....
Packing Company: today the other company came to evaluate the apartment here... As you know Fire's job wanted 2 estimates... The Company that came today i will call Company A, was the first company I tried to call days ago... The woman was a bit rude and the man she said I should call was unavailable... Her rudeness had colored my opinion and I didn't want to do business with them so I called their competitor (call them Company B)... It is funny because I didn't want to give company A another chance but I am so glad I did... Company B gave an estimate of over 9,000ch (about nearly 9,000 $/7000€) I was like WT-!!! No way!! I was also unhappy that I had printed a check-list of what goes and stays and Company B man didn't even look at it.... He just walked through the apartment and then though I was told on the phone yes it was possible for them to move my fish, he told me they couldn't move fish or plants.... Company A man... Not only took my list but thanked me... He looked it over and then said he would like for us to sit down and talk... So before he went through the apartment He sat with us and we discussed.. What his company provides, what we wanted, what we needed and how his company does the move... He went over every detailed and was patient and not in a rush even had some water (company B man had no time for tea-- I had set my good tea set up and all too)...
In a nutshell Company A can move my fish (well actually they subcontract it but they can have it done), Also you should have seen his face when I told him the other company bid 9k ch (he said he moved a house for less via airplane to the US so I suspect his bid will be way better) Also Company B man didn't want me to pack my own cloths but Company A said np, what I want I get... Also Company B man will charge us per day for boxes we keep to unpack ourselves.. I dont want them to unpack I am moving into a bigger place not everything is going in the same room also I have pictures to hang... I dont want them to set them on the floor Company A man said we get to keep the boxes and if we need them to dispose of it later they can do it (even if it is 8 weeks later) He was the most pleasant person and he told us things the other man didn't for example food is not best to be shipped (can goods not perishables I am not an idiot) because of customs.. So we will prob donate any can goods we have ... Also certain cleaners should not be transported... (again custom laws) overall the guy was more friendly and very informative... I hope we get him to do the move... I always trust someone who is willing to sit and have tea with you over someone who doesnt have time to talk about your concerns...
The following is an installment of Splotchy's Story Meme. According to Splotchy, "Here's what I would like to do. I want to create a story that branches out in a variety of different, unexpected ways. I don't know how realistic it is, but that's what I'm aiming for. Hopefully, at least one thread of the story can make a decent number of hops before it dies out." You can read all of the details here. I was tagged by Jon IG. I tag the following people to continue the story in their own direction: TAK Carmi PI kenju West of Mars

I woke up hungry. I pulled my bedroom curtain to the side and looked out on a hazy morning. I dragged myself into the kitchen, in search of something to eat. I reached for a jar of applesauce sitting next to the sink, and found it very cold to the touch. I opened the jar and realized it was frozen. (writer: Splotchy)
"That's strange," I said out loud to no one in particular. My fingers slowly reached towards the jar again. My body experienced a wave of apprehension as weighted blanket covering me as I did so. The jar was completely frozen.
I picked it up and stared at it, my fingers stung with little knives of chill. "What the..." again I spoke aloud. Then I realized what had happened with a shock. Suddenly the jar flew from my hand. It shattered creating a collage-like mixture of frozen applesauce and glass shards on my kitchen floor, the lid lazily rolling to a stop across the room.(writer: FranIAm)
I half noticed at first glimpse that there was something odd amidst the solidified apple sauce as I reached for the broom and the dust pan. As I knelt down to clean up the frozen mess, I could clearly see a tiny figure within the goopy mess. It was a human eye, with tiny arms and legs! I resisted my initial urge to pick it up with my hand, and then reached down to scoop it up with the dustpan. The eye looked up at me in horror and gave out a frightening high pitched screech as it ran for the living room.
I was dumbfounded by this turn of events. I didn't even like applesauce - And I had guests coming for dinner! It would not be proper to have a homunculus eyeball running around during the appetizer - I had to think fast. I crept into the living room so as to not startle the small creature. The eyeball was under the coffee table, peeking out from behind one of table legs. When I approached, it quickly darted under the couch!
I got on my hands and knees to look under the couch, but I could not see the eye through all of the old newspapers and dust bunnies that had accumulated under there. I had to hurry! the guests were coming at seven o'clock, and I had not even started the buffalo chicken skewers with blue cheese dipping sauce yet! Not to mention the couscous and the broccoli noodle salad. (writer: Zaius Nation)
I shook my head and leaned back against the wall. Surely this couldn’t be happening, surely there isn’t an anthropomorphic eyeball running around under my couch. It just couldn’t be real, could it?
“Ahem,” a little voice squeaked. “Ahem.”
I looked all around for the source of the voice. I finally found that it was from the eyeball peering around the back of the couch. I leaned in and looked at it closer. It still appeared to be uneasy (I mean, I’m sure that’s how it appeared, but then again I’m not all that certain about behavior patterns of walking eyeballs.
“Did you say something?” I asked it.
“You’re not going to poke me are you?” it asked. “I hate getting poked.”
“Uh no,” I answered dumbfounded. “I won’t poke you.”
“And you’re not going to lock me away in a jar of applesauce are you?”
“No, I’m not going to do that,” I replied, still bewildered by the sight in front of me.
“OK.” He made the eyeball equivalent of a nod, hitched up a pair of nonexistent trousers, adjusted the chimerical hat on his head, and walked up to me. “I am forever in debt to you, sir, for freeing me from the confines of that jar.”
“OK, sure,” I smiled lamely. “How’d you get in there?”
“The evil wizard trapped me in there,” he answered. “He knows the only way to trap a geneye is to use a jar of applesause.”
“You’re… you’re a geneye,” I managed to blurt out. I may not get the appetizers done, but this may be one heckuva party anyways.
“At you service,” it bowed. “And to thank you for freeing me, I would like to reward you with two wishes.”
“Oh, so you’re like a genie.” It all started to make sense to me now. No, not really.
“Yes,” it rolled its eye. “Like a genie, only we’re geneyes. They sure do know how to warp a good story in Hollywood, don’t they?”
“Yeah,” I agreed, again dumbfoundedly. “So I get two wishes? What about three?”
“Ugh!” the geneye slapped the top of its head, or the top of its eyeball at least. “You get two. Two. Only two. That’s how it works. And no wishing for more wishes, we’re onto that. Aladdin tried that once, it wasn’t pretty.”
“OK, so I get two, let me think,” I said thoughtfully. Screw the party, this is way more interesting.
“Yeah, hurry up, I don’t have all day,” the magical homunculus eyeball tapped it’s foot. “I’ve got places to go.”
“OK, OK,” I answered. Well, I could always wish for a lot of money, except that never works in the stories. The villain always wishes for riches and gets trapped in the cave with the gold, or sent to the bottom of the sea with it or audited by the IRS because of it. As much as I’d like to pay off the mortgage, I don’t think I can.
“Well?” it asked impatiently.
“I want peace on Earth and good will toward men,” I say with a forfeiting shrug.
“Peace on Earth and good will toward men?” it repeated. “Is that one wish or two?”
“One,” I replied. “You know, ‘tis the season and all.”
“Nice choice,” it nodded. Then the geneye snapped its fingers. “It is done.”
I felt it. For one moment, I felt nothing but peace and joy all around me. Others felt it, too but no one would ever be able to explain it. All around the world, people stopped what they were doing and just enjoyed the moment. Evil men stopped thinking evil thoughts and just smiled nicely. The hurt, the sick, and all who were in pain be it physical, mental, or spiritual, felt the warmth of a brief reprieve. Bells rang. Angels sang. Then I felt it end.
“Hey, that was nice,” I said. “Why didn’t it last?”
“Come on,” the magical being snorted. “I’m not that powerful. You got one more wish.”
One more wish. What should I wish for? Hmmm.

I scratched my head as I tried to think... Just then the doorbell caught my attention... it was my guest, "Jumping silly daisies!" I yelled as I tried to stifle a curse...
"Your wish is granted" the eyeball laughed and then disappeared...
I gasp as he vanished, "hey that wasn't a wish.."

The doorbell sounded again.... I walked to the door and began to welcome my guest...
As everyone entered my house I began to look around trying to figure out what the Geneye had done... not being able to see anything I decided to serve my guest drinks...
After I was preparing a quick platter of finger sandwiches when I heard my laugh and then singing...

I stepped out and saw my guest gathered at my back door looking into my garden where my flowers was singing and performing .... suddenly the silly daisies jumped from their flower pots and began chasing my guest, squirting water at them... I had to think fast so I....
[Now it is your turn...]
Novy, I am not sure I can do this. I can barely write about my everyday life, let alone fiction. But I will give it some thought today and see what I can come up with. Sorry not to be prompt.
Jumping silly daisies?
Jumping silly daisies?
That's an uttelry ridiculous thing to say. WHo'd say something silly like that?
Now if it was leaping wacky chrisantemums, I might understand. ;-)
Thanks for playing.
Novy: I hope you will forgive me but - as it says on my blog - I'm a me me free zone. As I have maintained this for so long with so many friends I have to demur. And anything inter- galactic or sci- fi is Greek to me.
I think your puppy looks adorable and good luck with the move. How exciting!
I don't think I have seen a thread of this story involved mischievous flowers!
A nice twist!
Thanks a lot for being infected.
That is a really cool meme! it seems similar to what I try to accomplish with my Saturday Spin-A-Yarn, but I never thought of making it into a meme. Very cool.
Good luck moving to Zürich!!
Hi Novy,
I have photos of 'The Swan' on my blog now.....
Ken nw it was for fun I under stand
PI I know how you feel :)
thanks everyone and on my way crazy
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